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12 Ways Seo Blogging Tips For Newbie 2017 |
1. Make contents worth use but original fixed
The value-added contents give added value and may be the solution to the problems experienced by the travelers, while maintaining the originality. The more helpful the contents are written, the more potential it is to be shared to the social media by the user. More and more shared also impact on rancaknya SEO blog.
Do not be easily fooled by opinions that assume and view duplicates or replicas of writing is just a myth and will not give any impact or consequence.
Keep this underline, "Contents like a crown or tiara of a blog." If not, then take chest and accept it when writing from search engine search is a destiny.
In addition, the following article writing guidelines may be helpful:
- Keep the discussion complete
- Text view is not suffocating
- Left align text style or left flat
- Use white space as a delimiter
- Use bullets and numbers
- Use highlight text
- Add citations if necessary
- Trusted (trust.worthy)
- Based on expertise or experience
- Worth more than the others
- The article description is bidirectional
- Not overlapping (redundant)
- Made full of thoroughness (not in a hurry)
- The discussion is Complete
The discussion is complete in terms of as much detail as possible and clearly so that the reader feels satisfied. Use media such as pictures or podcasts or videos to clarify the contents of an article or tutorial.
Text is not Eyeing
Display textnya, the number of words per paragraph is not too long. The maximum readable words per paragraph are 32 to 45 words or at least less than 6 sentences. More than that is actually not why, but more concise and clearly better.
Why is that? Because when users access web pages using mini gadgets whose monitor sizes are not like laptops or computers, the text display is not suffocating and makes them reluctant to read the entire article content.
Left Align Text
Then, because the format of writing blog articles are not formal, so very rarely bloggers use text format flat left and right let alone have a new line. Most of them use the left align text format. The reason is simple that is more comfortable, comfortable to the eye and screenable.
Text Boundary Zone
White space or white zone is used as a barrier to separate paragraphs with each other, this is so that users are not tired to see and read the articles you make.
Bullet and Numbers
Using bullets and numbers is also necessary because users also tend to read certain parts or points in the articles they feel are important (skimming). Yes, most of them do it, maybe to save time and also internet quota.
Hilight Text
In addition to bullets and numbers, highlight text will also attract the attention of the reader because in addition to the different looks, highlighted text usually contains a statement or important point, unfortunately if not read.
Furthermore, adding a few quotes in the form of statements from celebrities or influential figures in a particular field will give a scientific impression in building the level of confidence the reader of what is written in the article.
Trusted (trust.worthy)
What makes readers believe the content of an article?
Similarly, making scientific works like a thesis or thesis there is always a basic or basic theory that supports hy.poth.esis. In the sense that every idea or idea must be supported by the statements, theories or definitions of the experts according to their expertise so that later articles are not classified as hoaxes.
If so, will the artkel be filled with statements, theories or definitions of others?
Certainly not. In order not to be like that, after quoting a statement, a particular theory or definition, draw a conclusion according to each other's understanding. In addition, statements, theories or definitions can be rethought based on the version or the way each individual.
Based on Expertise or experience
Articles that are written on the basis of expertise will be very good in terms of mastery of the material and will be very interesting when discussing a particular topic that is not just the theory but based on what is mastered, what has been done or practiced, tested or experienced by the author.
Worth more than the others
What are the advantages or features of your articles compared to other articles?
In this case, a writer must also be able to position himself as a reader. Read a homemade article by positioning itself as someone else who reads it. That way we will know what is missing and what needs to be added.
The description is two-way
Articles whose descriptions are two-way. The point is to describe something not only based on merit or good merit, but also to tell the reader what are the deficiencies or adverse effects or potential risks of something described (if any).
Not overlapping (redundant)
No overlapping (redundant) means no overlap. That is, blog articles do not overlap each other. The goal is to avoid duplicating articles within the blog itself. So, in addition to having to deal with the problem of copying articles by certain elements, also must be more careful not to write and publish the same article in their own blog (article suicide).
Made full of thoroughness (not in a hurry)
There are no technical errors in articles like error of spelling, punctuation, and capitalization because in the process of making it until the publication is not in a hurry.
2. Create your own picture post
Creating it independently will add weight to the uniqueness of writing creations. Inserting the appropriate image into the text also makes it even more attractive and more friendly to Google readers as well.
To increase the effectiveness of the role of images in writing creations, the title of text images and alternative textnya filled manually only. How:
- Click the image on the post before publishing
- Then select the image property or image property
- Later will appear the title of text images and alternative / alt textnya
- Fill in the title of the text and alt text
- Then click ok
3. Use templates that have been optimized seonya
The template in question is the acceleration of the rate type, the credit link can be eliminated (purchased), without error or error in it, all the pages are able to adapt to various screen or monitor sizes and up to date if necessary.
Typically, blog themes are obtained by paying better quality, plus the existence of creator support or modifikatornya support in the form of setting up templates as you wish compared to those obtained for free.
Speaking of free template issues and their usage, there are a few things to keep in mind as consideration:
- Having difficulty setting it according to taste
- Got a bug problem but no one cared
- Blogs and GA accounts can be banned Google
- More wasteful than buying licenses
Trouble setup
Consider the blog comment field that distributes free templates especially on pages containing descriptions and download links, most of which are "how to ...?" and this is a problem that is often obtained by users of free templates, difficulty setting according to taste.
Problems Bug / Bugs
Another problem is the bug issue. Usually free templates are not worked with wholeheartedly or received less serious attention so there is the possibility of coding an error in it.
Blogs and Accounts Can Be Banned
Blogs and accounts can be banned? Tu .. wait wait sob..what is it? This could happen, if the competitors know you are using a free template version and then report to Google may get the site subject to banned and possibly along with his account. But the point is, keep the sportsmanship in competing ok :)
Wasteful Money
Money-laden problem, although he said free of charge, download templatekan also use money in the form of internet quota, menyetingnya as desired also use quota. If it takes too long to take care of the settings and the view can be a template that is said to be free cost greater than buying a premium version.
The best option, buy the original template and original version from the manufacturer. Do not be pirated or imitated. Because in addition to sharpen SEO blog, by appreciating the work of others, it means we indirectly respect ourselves. But if you can make it yourself it's good, at least it will cut the additional cost.
4. Linking internal and external links
Linking internal links in articles will help travelers explore other blog contents. Link some of the links that are deemed necessary, especially on contents that are related to each other or that discuss similar headers. The goal is to increase the page impressions / blog pages.
External links will refer to other sites whose articles serve as the theoretical foundation in our writing. In addition, it also makes blogs do not look like dead blogs are tuna partners. Use as necessary and as efficient as possible. But if it seems unnecessary do not applied.
5. The managed web has its own domain
Blogs that bear their own domain get more valuation from Google, because with the use of domain (TLD), in addition to showing the seriousness also gives the impression convincing. This is why many bloggers then switched to using the Top Level Domain acquired by hiring it from a custom-domain service provider.
Instead of merely fictitious, sub-domain transformation does influence SEO blogs. If just make a blog name looks attractive and so forth, it's just a side benefit only.
6. Fill out the blog meta description on the dash-board
Starting from previous experience, the empty meta blog description drastically lowers the SEO blog's value. It seems trivial, but so meaningful. How to fill it?
- Log in to the blog dashboard
- Select settings
- There will be title and description
- Fill in the title with your blog title
- Fill in the description with a brief description of what headings are discussed in it
- Then save the settings
After that, do not forget to fill in the meta tag of the search preferences, like in the picture below:
7. Complete the blog with the necessary tools
Here is a mapping of site content, terms or conditions of service or use of the site, information about blogs and its managers, as well as contact pages and so forth to facilitate the needs of service users.
8. Permak or permanently change your link manually
Sharpen SEO blogs in this way will make post address stability better than choosing an automatic option. Here is Google's statement regarding perma-link:
How to? simply by making a short post title or about 6-7 or 9-10 plus words already include a key word or phrase in it. Let's say, the post title of this article is "Still Newbie? 12 Basic SEO Blog Tips It Must Be Read"
The number of words in the title of 10 words, let's just say the key phrase "Basic Blog SEO Tips". This is the simplest way if you do not bother memafak permalink. Other ways are also quite easy:
- Before the article is published, view post settings in the right sidebar
- There will be labels, schedules, permanent links, locations, search descriptions and options
- Click the permanent link (chain image)
- There will be automatic and custom permanent link options
- Click the custom permanent link
- Wait for the URL to finish counting
- Change your URL address
- You can only change URLs that are end of year and date only
- Click done or done if it is
9. Using media or social networking (sosmed)
Google's weight rating is also centered on how well-written the content and authenticity are. With the sharing of articles let alone on a large scale in social networking, signifies that what has been published is very good value from the point of view of the reader.
Another benefit, the level of confidence the cruising machine increasingly uphill to the relevance of the news presented.
10. Build or join associations in the forum
Build or associate or associate in a blog forum will be very profitable, both parties who have the forum and also the follow-up members join in it.
Members, for example, have the opportunity to gain new experiences and knowledge or even solve the problems they are facing through published articles and potentially bring in other members' visits.
Hosts also benefit in this way, especially as a base or forum provider.
11. Write articles on other blogs as guest bloggers
Writing or submitting articles to other bloggers will greatly help SEO blogs. How not, bloggers who take the time to become a guest writer will get rewards in the form of back links from the blog owner.
12. Conduct visits or visitation to other blogs
Bartering opinions and interacting with other bloggers is a fundamental requirement in this field, and interpreted to strengthen the SEO blog. As long as not nyeleneh in beropini. Why is that? because it can also provide an opportunity for a blog to get a visit or visit from other bloggers.
Please note that in exchanging opinions, please use "as beautiful as possible" in the comments box provided. In order to later, in addition to the host agree to your comments via moderation list, other travelers are also interested in visiting your blog.
What is meant "as beautiful as possible" is that a synchronous or harmonious communication with a well-reviewed header is either suggestions, responses or constructive criticism or other things that can add a user experience.
It should be remembered, do not link any links in it because the majority of the bloggers do not like it. But a fraction of them still tolerate link links, as long as the comments are still singkron with the header of the discussion. So stay fit.
But basically, I do not recommend that kind of action (link linking) be done, because it will only impress or give the image of self-publicity rather than natural interest.
Google in this case also seems to be getting serious about fighting spam comments, this is proven by automatically activating the anti spam code and confirming it directly through dash-board blogger.
Oops almost forgot, because all the comments are back-links even though he said it's not his age anymore, do as beautiful and often as possible without polluting the blogs visited.
More flawless if the blog places beropini, other than beropini according to the topic, visited blogs are also carrying the same theme or niche with your blog and if possible, the blog has a high popularity for back-links that will also be obtained quality.
SEO blog basically about the 7K of quality, creativity, seriousness, completeness, thoroughness, speed and liveliness.
Quality concerns high quality content, image or podcast or vidieo creativity, seriousness with custom domains and selected template versions, completeness of site information and services, thoroughness in practice or SEO application, blog loading speed, liveliness as guest blogger, social media and in blog forum.
Thanks You For Read My Article :)
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